




Research Teams:Conservation and Renewal of Architecture Heritage & Art







研究团队成员应邀作为专家先后参与了无锡清明桥历史街区修复、无锡荣巷历史街区修复、无锡阖闾城遗址复原、无锡鸿山遗址博物馆及遗址公园景观设计等城市历史地段与历史遗产地的重要建设项目论证工作。先后受邀赴意大利那不勒斯Federico II大学建筑学院Urban/Eco研究中心,为其研究员和博士生作了有关江苏城市传统建筑艺术遗产保护与传承研究进展的系列学术讲座,扩大了研究团队在国际上的学术影响。





The team focused on the traditional buildings in Yangtze River area, modern buildings and environmental design in early modern times and Chinese buildings and environmental design in 1949-1978, from the design methodological perspective to set up ways of traditional building cognition and its value judgments. Particularly in excavation and conversation traditional buildings in Jiangsu area and its inheritance strategy, this has made important achievements. More than 30 research papers were published on digital library, as well as 2 monographs. Surrounding the research of excavation and conversation traditional buildings in Jiangsu area and its inheritance strategy, the research team has chaired over 6 projects form the Ministry of Sciences, including Form Characteristics of Salt Merchants’ Buildings in the Old Yangzhou City and its evolution, Space Form of Early Modern Architecture in Zhenjiang in Jiangsu area and its artistic characteristic, Morphological characteristic of Architectural Art Legacy in Yangzhou area, Protection Research on Architectural Art Legacy in Wuxi Historic conservation area, The application of virtual simulation technology in traditional building protection——A Case of two cities in south Jiangsu area, Research on Types and Characteristic of Public buildings in the period of republic of China in the South of Yangzi River. Meanwhile the team has guided PhD students (on the job)to gain 6 projects form the Ministry of Sciences. Research results once won the second prize of the Tenth Excellent Achievements in Philosophy and Social Science of Jiangsu province (in 2007),and the third prize of the Excellent Achievements of 2012 Fine project of Philosophy and Social Science application in Jiangsu province(in 2013).

Last decade, the research team had completed surveying and mapping of more than 500 historical buildings, and finished 6 research reports according to the document researches simultaneously which included Investigation Report about Modern Industrial Building Heritages in Wuxi, Investigation Report about Changzhou Qinguo Lane Historic Blocks, Investigation Report about Architectural Heritage in Yangzhou Old City, Research on Historic Architecture in the Period of the Republic of China in Zhenjiang, Investigation Report about Wuxi Rong Lane Historic Blocks, Investigation Report about Yixing Dingshu South Street Historic Blocks, and it totals more than 2 million words. In addition the research team had training 6 doctors and 50 masters, 3 of them won the Excellent Master Thesis. So far the team had Edited and published Complete Works of China Design(Vol. 1•Construction•Dwelling) that belongs National Press Fund Project, Twelfth Five Year Plan National Major Publishing Plans and China Publishing Group Company’s Twelfth Five Year Plan Major Book Project (jointly published by the Commercial Press& Haitian press). The present studies provided significant reference and guide for Protect, Repair, Renewal of the city traditional architecture and the heritage of local architecture culture. This works obtained the focus from counterparts at home and abroad.

Under the guidance of the theoretical results,members of the research team designed the  renewal design works of Qingming bridge historic district which is one of the top five historic districts in China.the design work named Concave-Convex won the first prize of the New domestic architectural design competition in China in 2008 and got highly praised from authority design experts in China.

Members of the research team invited as expert to participate in the important project demonstration work of the historic districts and heritage areas,such as repair of Qingming bridge and Rong Lane historic district,Helv city ruins recovery in Wuxi and Wuxi Hongshan museum and its landscape design. The team had been invited to go to the department of architecture and research center Urban/Eco of University of Naples FEDERICO Ⅱ in Italy to give lectures to the researchers and doctoral students about the research on the protection and inheritance of traditional architectural and artistic heritage,expanding the research team’s academic impact in the international arena.

  1. Classified and Comparative Studies in Architectural Art Legacy

  2. Protection methods of Architectural Art Legacy

  3. Method and Theory of Innovative design based on cultural inheritance