2021 Livelihood Wisdom and Design Future International Conference II: Value Creation of the Local Culture
主办单位: 江南大学
支持单位: 国际艺术、设计与媒体类院校联盟; 国际社会创新与可持续设计联盟
一、 关于会议About the Conference
二、日程安排Conference Schedule
日 期 |
时间 |
形 式 |
主要内容 |
10.29 周五 |
上午8:30-11:30 |
主论坛 |
开幕式 主旨发言:在地文化的价值创生 魏洁,江南大学体育博彩网站
院长、教授、博士生导师 |
主旨演讲1:转型设计中的系统设计思维 张凌浩,南京艺术学院校长,二级教授、博士生导师,原江南大学副校长 主旨演讲2:设计与生态文明建设、民族文化传承同向同行 陈劲松,云南艺术学院副校长、二级教授 主旨演讲 3:设计教育与社会服务的力量 潘长学,武汉理工大学艺术与体育博彩网站
院长,学科首席教授,博士生导师 主旨演讲 4:作为生产力的文化 方晓风,清华大学美术学院副院长,《装饰》主编,长聘教授,博士生导师 |
下午14:-17:00 |
主旨演讲 5:超本地文化:以亲近和关怀为目标设计 Ezio Manzini 国际社会创新与可持续设计联盟(DESIS)创始人, 米兰理工大学荣誉教授 主旨演讲 6:重新发现以设计为基础的可持续经济的传统和地域价值 Massimiliano Campi意大利那不勒斯大学教授,江南大学客座教授, 中意校际联盟主任 主旨演讲 7:共创紧急情况下的视觉语言 Rodrigo Ramírez智利天主教大学体育博彩网站
院长、副教授 主旨演讲 8:包容性设计的价值创造 Hua Dong英国布鲁内尔大学体育博彩网站
院长、教授 主旨演讲 9:中韩地下说唱歌手时尚特征研究 Jisoo Ha韩国首尔大学教授、人类生态学院院长 |
10.30 周六 |
平行分论坛 |
上午 |
分论坛1 |
文化转型设计:在地性与系统性 |
分论坛2 |
本土化与地域性设计 |
分论坛3 |
凝练与再构:在地文化的当代视觉唤新 |
下午 |
分论坛4 |
公共艺术与城市更新 |
分论坛5 |
“科技+时尚”重塑产业未来 |
分论坛6 |
江南文脉视阈下的艺术与设计理论与方法 |
全天 |
分论坛7 |
2021江南大学DESIS研讨会:多元文化与全球危机 |
10.31 周日 |
平行分论坛及工作坊 |
上午 |
分论坛8 |
新时代的数字媒体艺术 |
下午 |
分论坛9 |
体验设计前沿方法与技术创新 |
全天 |
工作坊1 |
水-能源-食物系统设计 |
工作坊2 |
传统与现代:地方美食再造 |
工作坊3 |
重生的活力 |
工作坊4 |
开卷有艺—书籍设计多维度探究 |
工作坊5 |
从文字开始 |
工作坊6 |
无界——时尚元素表达 |
工作坊7 |
江南地区文化遗产数字化传播模式探究 |
工作坊8 |
艺江南—水彩艺术工作坊 |
三、 拟邀请嘉宾Invited Speakers(排名不分先后,以嘉宾演讲顺序为序)
张凌浩 |
南京艺术学院校长、教授 |
陈劲松 |
云南艺术学院副校长、教授 |
潘长学 |
院长、教授 |
方晓风 |
清华大学美术学院副院长,《装饰》杂志主编、教授 |
Ezio Manzini |
DESIS联盟创始人、米兰理工大学荣誉教授 |
Massimiliano Campi |
意大利那不勒斯费德里科二世大学副校长、教授 |
Rodrigo Ramírez |
院长、副教授 |
Dong Hua |
院长 |
Jisoo Ha |
韩国首尔大学教授 |
Teresa Franqueira |
葡萄牙阿威罗大学副教授、DESIS NETWORK国际协调人 |
Nicola Morelli |
丹麦奥尔堡大学 副教授 |
Lara Pennin |
副教授 |
Alireza Ajdari |
伊朗德黑兰大学副教授 |
巩淼森 |
副教授、DESIS China协调人 |
钟芳 |
清华大学美术学院生态设计研究所副所长 |
郭寅曼 |
湖南大学设计艺术学院博士后 |
Francesca Valsecchi |
副教授 |
李健 |
副教授 |
刘曦卉 |
副教授 |
周子书 |
副教授、社会设计方向教研室主任 |
Craig Vogel |
美国辛辛那提大学数字媒体整合学院执行院长、教授 |
Virpi Roto |
芬兰阿尔托大学体验研究平台主席、体验设计教授 |
Loredana di Ducchio |
意大利罗马第一大学建筑学院副院长、教授 |
Bart Hengeveld |
荷兰埃因霍芬理工大学 助理教授 |
Gabriele Goretti |
副教授、品牌未来体验设计国际实验室联合负责人 |
张雷 |
品物流形和融设计图书馆创始人 |
章俊杰 |
中国美术学院工业设计系主任,博士、副教授 |
陈香 |
副教授 |
杨小军 |
环境设计系副教授 |
赵衡宇 |
武汉工程大学特聘教授、硕士生导师 |
邹洲 |
环境设计系主任 |
蒋杰 |
院长、教授 |
杨杰 |
副院长、副教授 |
陈原川 |
教授 |
江牧 |
苏州大学艺术学院教授 |
李玫 |
院长、教授 |
余辉 |
故宫博物院科研处处长兼研究室、出版部主任,国家文物鉴定委员会委员 |
童永生 |
教授 |
李震 |
中央美术学院城市设计与创新研究院设计部主任 |
孙海垠 |
上海大学美术学院教授 |
许深城 |
芝加哥东北伊利诺斯大学艺术系终身教授 |
廉鹤善 |
韩国落地咨询公司 设计总监 |
刘莉 |
北京服装学院 教授 冬奥服装研发中心 主任 |
吴志明 |
教授 |
邓考圣 |
智裳科技公司 总经理 |
薛雷 |
美国TG3D科技公司 副总经理 |
贺宪庭 |
深圳博克科技有限公司董事长 |
朱建龙 |
海澜集团 圣凯诺 副总经理 |
黄斌 |
雅鹿集团 研发中心总经理 |
杨威 |
中国服装协会科创院 博士 |
欧阳建勇 |
新加坡国立大学教授 |
方剑 |
苏州大学 教授 |
邱秉常 |
青岛大学文学与新闻传播学院教授 |
吴向阳 |
山东工艺美术学院数字艺术与传媒学院副院长、教授 |
殷俊 |
教授 |
裘淑婷 |
新锐独立设计师品牌创始人 |
温达毅 |
奥雅设计集团公建事业部副总 |
周晨 |
江苏凤凰教育出版社编审、艺术出版中心主任 |
张明敏 |
浙江大学副教授 |
张军 |
湖南大学设计艺术学院副教授 |
持续更新中。。。 |
三、 会务信息Conference Logistics
2021 Livelihood Wisdom and Design Future International Conference II: Value Creation of the Local Culture
Hosted by: Jiangnan University
Organized by: School of Design, Jiangnan University
Co-organized by: Creation and Design Journal; Experience Design Frontier Method and Technology Research Center
Endorsed by: Cumulus Association; DESIS Network
About the Conference
Under the framework of the new round of international conference initiated by School of Design at Jiangnan University in 2020, the 2021 Livelihood Wisdom and Design Future International Conference II will be hosted from Oct. 29th to Oct. 31st with discussions on the theme of Value Creation of the Local Culture.
Locality is a reflection on the cultural differences brought about by regional differences in globalization, which emphasizes the realization of multicultural values. In the face of the international challenges of strong cultures, the protection and development of local culture is of great necessity. Contemporary design research and practice is expected to be rooted in national culture, deeply cultivated in traditional wisdom, inherit and continue the regional context, bring-back tradition to contemporary life, and realize the creative transformation of traditional culture. The "local culture" in the discussion of this conference covers the design culture involved in the lifestyle, creation thoughts, and aesthetic attitudes that are with regional characteristics.
As a discipline with strong practicality, the design discipline carries the mission and task of inheriting the national culture, and performing the role of serving national economy and people's livelihood, as well as exhibiting the nature of cultural confidence. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, fine arts, art, science, and technology complement each other, promote each other, and benefit each other. It is necessary to enhance cultural confidence, by taking aesthetics building as a medium, and strengthen international cultural exchanges.
This conference will be hosted with the hybrition of both online and offline, and is divided into three sections: keynotes, parallel forums and parallel workshops. Well-known design professors and practitioners at home and abroad are invited to discuss the locality of design culture, the diversity of design culture, cultural exchanges and challenges, design education and design discipline construction, from the perspective of a community with a shared future for mankind.
Conference General Schedule
Conference Keynotes |
Oct. 29th 8:30-11:30am GMT+8
Opening Remark Keynote Address: Value Creation of the Local Culture Wei Jie, Conference Chair, Dean and Professor, School of Design, Jiangnan University
Keynote 1: System Design Thinking in Transformation Design Zhang Linghao, President and Professor, Nanjing University of the Arts Keynote 2: Designing along Ecological Civilization Construction and National Cultural Inheritance Chen Jinsong, Vice President, Professor, Yunnan Arts University Keynote 3: The Power of Designing Education and Social Services Pan Changxue, Dean and Professor, School of Art and Design, Wuhan University of Technology Keynote 4: Culture as Productivity Fang Xiaofeng, Associate dean and Professor,Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University; Chief Editor of Zhuangshi |
Oct. 29th 14:00-17:00pm GMT+8 |
Keynote 5: Hyper-local cultures: Designing towards proximity and care Ezio Manzini Honorary Professor Politecnico di Milano, Founder of DESIS Network Keynote 6: Traditional and Territorial Values to Rediscover a Sustainable Economy Founded on Design Massimiliano Campi Professor, University of Naples Federico II Keynote 7: Co Creating a Visual Language to dialog about Emergencies Rodrigo Ramírez Director, School of Design, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Keynote8: Value Creation through Inclusive Design Dong Hua Professor and Dean of Brunel Design School, Brunel University Keynote 9: A Study on Characteristics of Underground Rappers' Fashion in South Korean and China Jisoo Ha Professor, Department of Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design, Seoul University |
2021 Jiangnan University DESIS International Symposium: Pluriversal Cultures and Common Crisis |
Oct. 30th 9:00-12:00am (GMT+8) |
Opening Remark HE Xiaoyou, Nanjing University of the Arts, China WEI Jie, Jiangnan University, China Ezio Manzini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Session 1 Speech 1: Design for Rural Cultural Ecology Jian Li, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, China Speech 2: From Regional Culture to Digital Cultural Innovation Yinman Guo, Hunan University, China Speech 3: Culture of Ageing and Design for Ageing Fang Zhong, Tsinghua University, China Speech 4: Spatial Fix of Global Capital and Multicultural Cross-Regional Integration Zishu Zhou, Central Academy of Fine Arts, China Speech 5: Chinese Context of Social Innovations and Cultural Interpretation Miaosen Gong, Jiangnan University, China Panel Discussion 1:Chinese Context and Cultural Reflection |
Oct. 30th 13:30-17:00pm(GMT+8) |
Speech 6: Design for Social Innovation and the Climate Crisis Teresa Franqueira, University of Aveiro, Portugal Speech 7: Thinking Design for This Century Lara Penin, Parsons School of Design, USA Speech 8: Designing for Individuals or for Communities Nicola Morelli, Aalborg University, Denmark Speech 9: Cultural Dimension of Resilience and Sustainability: How to Survive in the Monopoly of Resources through Culturally Enriched Design Thinking Alireza Ajdari, University of Tehran, Iran Speech 10: Multum in Parvo: Cross-cultural Design Projects from Hong Kong Sylvia Xihui Liu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China Speech 11: The Culture of Nature: The Next Frontier of Sustainability Challenge is Ecological Awareness Francesca Valsacchi, Tongji University, China Panel Discussion 2: Common Crisis and Design Culture |
Experience Design Frontier Methods and Technological Innovation Parallel Forum |
Oct.31st 13:30-16:30pm (GMT+8) |
Speech 1: What is Human/Cultural Participatory Design: How Co-Design and New Perspectives on History are Changing the Way Designers Think and Work Craig Vogel, Executive Dean and Professor, School of Digital Media Collaborative, University of Cincinnati, USA Speech 2: Is this Service Design? Viewpoints on User Experience Design and Service Design Virpi Roto Chairman of Experience Research Platform and Professor of Experience Design, Aalto University, Finland Speech 3: The New Cultural Territories of Italian Design Loredana di Ducchio Full Professor, Vice-Dean Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of Roma Speech 4: Taking a Social Perspective on Emerging Technologies Bart Hengeveld Assistant Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands Speech 5: A Research Path in High-End Manufacturing with a Design-Driven Perspective: Significant Case-Studies from Made in Italy Fashion Districts Gabriele Goretti, Associate Professor, School of Design, Jiangnan University |
Conference Logistics
Conference dates: Oct. 29th to Oct. 31st, 2021
Venue: School of Design, Jiangnan University
Conference Registration:
The conference will be conducted from both onsite and online, and the language of the conference will be in both English and Chinese with the support of spontaneous interoperations. The conference will be an open conference with no registration fees required.
Please register through the following link for further details of the conference participation:
Contact us: [email protected]
School of Design, Jiangnan University