“江南大学&卡秀堡辉CMF联合创新实验室”负责人。以第一作者在专业学术期刊发表论文二十余篇,其中《On the Characteristics of Technological Aesthetics in Modern Furniture》、《On the Visual Image Similarities and Differences between Chinese and Foreign Vehicle Logo》、《Study on the 21st century SOHO Office System Design in China》、《On the Procedure and Methods in Modern Furniture Green Design》和《Application of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to Modern Chinese Furniture》等十余篇专业论文分别被EI、CSSCI及CSCD检索收录,多篇论文获评江苏省工业设计学会年度学术奖,出版专业著作及教材四部——《魅力色彩——工业产品色彩设计教程》、《设计进行时——工业设计程序与方法教程》、《产品设计程序与方法》和《工业设计造型基础》。
Hanning Zhang, Associate Professor. Zhang holds a PhD in Furniture Design and Engineering from Nanjing Forestry University; with research interests in prototype innovation, furniture design and color planning and strategy. Zhang is a member of China Industrial Design Association, China Fashion Color Association and Jiangsu Province Industrial Design Society. Zhang engaged in teaching and research of industrial design.