工业设计系副教授,DESIS Lab主任,是米兰理工大学和麻省理工学院的联合培养的设计学博士。此前先后就读于南京理工、无锡轻工、米兰理工分别获得学士、硕士、第二硕士学位。现任国际社会创新与可持续设计联盟(DESIS)国际协调委员会委员和中国联盟(DESIS-China)联合协调员,也是中国高校设计学博士论坛和中国服务设计教育联盟的发起人之一,曾是艾因霍芬理工大学访问学者(2012/13),中国工程院“创新设计发展战略”重大咨询研究课题专家组成员(2013/16)。他的学术专长包括可持续战略设计、服务设计与社会创新、创新设计等,其应用研究与实践探索集中在公共和公益服务、健康与医疗、交通和特种装备、文化产业等。主持和参与了多项国际合作以及教育部、工程院、社科基金等纵向项目,在国内外学术期刊与会议发表了40余篇同行盲审论文、出版英文专著一部。长期从事产业性咨询研究和设计创新合作,专注通过设计驱动创新构建企业核心竞争力,近年主要合作伙伴包括三一重工、美的科技、嘉陵全域、飞利浦医疗、阿特拉斯•科普柯、中智科创、长虹电子、上海应势科技、龙湖物业、零点有数等。
Dr. GONG Miaosen is an associate professor of industrial design department, School of Design at Jiangnan University, and the director of DESIS lab. He did his PhD study in design at Politecnico di Milano, jointed with MIT. Before that, he studied in Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Wuxi University of Light Industry and Politecnico di Milano for his BEng, MA, and MDS in design fields. Currently, he is a member of international coordination committee of DESIS network (www.desis-network.org) and co-coordinator of DESIS-China. He is also one of founders of China Design Research PhD Colloquium and China Service Design Education Forum. He was a visiting scholar of ID department of TU/e (12/13) and in an expert of China Academy of Engineering major project “Innovation Design Development Strategy” (13/16).
His research interests focus on strategic design for sustainability, service design for social innovation, innovation design. He has more than 40 peer-reviewed academic publications in international conferences and journals, and is reviewers of several international design conferences and journals. The applied research fields include public service and active welfare, healthcare, mobility and equipment, cultural industry and etc. He has strong industrial collaboration focusing on key competitiveness building by design innovation, main partners include Sany, Media, Jialing, Philips, Atlas.copco, Changhong, Ingshi, Longfor, Idataway and etc.