


副教授 | 硕士生导师

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江明副教授,1992年毕业于上海交通大学工业设计系,获学士学位:2001年毕业于江南大学体育博彩网站 艺术设计专业,获硕士学位。多年来从事艺术设计中图形设计、信息设计、品牌形象设计等方向的教学和研究工作,积累了丰富的教学和实践经验。近年来出版多部教材专著、在核心期刊上发表了多篇高质量的学术论文和设计作品,并长期为企事业单位提供设计服务。指导的学生在全国性、省部级设计比赛中获得多项奖项,本人获得优秀指导教师奖。在目前的学术研究中注重视觉传达设计的艺术性与现代设计方法的系统性和科学性相结合,探索如何实现新形势下的有效设计,特别是数字媒介中视觉设计的方法研究。

Jiang Ming, Associate Professor

Jiang’s research interests are in the innovation and application of modern graphic language, the method of effectiveness based visual communication design, and the application of traditional art in design.

Jiang holds a BA in Industrial Design from Shanghai Jiaotong University and a MA in Art Design from Jiangnan University. At present, Jiang is mainly engaged in teaching and research in the field of art design. She has published several books, academic papers and design works, and provided design services for some enterprises.

Jiang’s research focuses on the combination of the artistry of visual communication design and the systematic and scientific method of modern design. The goal is to realize the effective design in new situations.