


副研究员 | 博士

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蒋乾灵,民建会员,设计学博士(后),江南大学体育博彩网站 副研究员。主要研究方向为:(1)用户感知与偏好;(2)信息系统可用性研究;(3)人机交互体验设计;(4)设计学研究方法。担任 BMC Psychology(SSCI,IF:3.6)编委,中国图像图形学会人机交互专业委员会委员,民建无锡市委职业教育工作委员会委员,《包装工程》专家委员会委员。主持与参与中国博士后科学基金面上资助、广东省哲学社会科学规划项目、教育部产学合作协同育人项目、中央高校基本科研青年基金等科研项目。已发表学术论文 30 余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在 International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction、Research in Transportation Business & Management 等 SSCI、SCI期刊发表论文 16篇,累计被引用447次,h指数13,i10指数15。同时担任 Universal Access in the Information Society、International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 等27本国际期刊审稿专家。

Qianling Jiang, Ph.D. in Design, is an associate research professor at the School of Design, Jiangnan University. His main research areas include: (1) user perception and preference; (2) usability of information systems; (3) human-computer interaction design; and (4) design study methodologies. He serves on the editorial board of BMC Psychology (SSCI, IF: 3.6), is a member of the Human-Computer Interaction Professional Committee of the China Society of Image and Graphics, and an expert committee member for Packaging Engineering. He has led and participated in research projects funded by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, the Guangdong Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Project, the Ministry of Education’s Industry-University Cooperation Collaborative Education Project, and the Central Universities Basic Research Young Scholar Fund. He has published over 30 academic papers, including 16 as the first or corresponding author in SSCI and SCI journals such as the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction and Research in Transportation Business & Management, with a total of 447 citations, an h-index of 13, and an i10-index of 15. He also serves as a reviewer for international journals such as Universal Access in the Information Society and the International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making.