

2022 DESIS Symposium: Social Innovation and Cultural Re-orientation

2022 DESIS Symposium: Social Innovation and Cultural Re-orientation



12 November, 2022


Hosted by: Jiangnan University, China Industrial Design Association

Organized by: School of Design, Jiangnan University

Endorsed by: Cumulus Association, DESIS NETWORK


About the Conference

In 2020, School of Design, Jiangnan University launched a new round of academic conferences, which is carried out in forms of a series of symposiums and discussions and deep dialogues under the framework of "Livelihood Wisdom and Design Future", and around the hot topics in the frontier fields of current design disciplines. The theme of the conference in 2020 focused on the characteristics of light industry, with the combination of the development frontier of design disciplines. The conference in 2021 brought the value creation of local culture into focus, and emphasized the value realization of diverse culture through the reflection of cultural differences brought by regional differences in globalization. In 2022, the conference will conduct discussions as to the future transformation and potential changes of the discipline by highlighting the future-oriented transformation under the circumstances of great changes unseen in a century.

As one of the sub-forums, the 2022 DESIS Symposium is themed "Social Innovation and Cultural Shift." Human society is undergoing a profound change unseen in a century. We have always been holding the wishes for peace and development,whereas the international society has been forced to face the ever-stronger roits and recession.In the last era, the essence of sustainable development was to deal with the contradiction between current development and long-term growth. More and more people directly feel the current survival crisis at this stage. All-round crises are widespread worldwide, including potential epidemics, frequent extreme climate conditions, intensifying geopolitical conflicts, continuous economic recession, unemployment waves, and intensified social conflicts. The need for future transformation is no more urgent than now. Simultaneously, we can detect some emerging social innovation phenomena and cultural turn signals. Globally, more and more people begin to re-understand traditional values such as family and community, ethnic identity tends to return, and national culture continues to awaken. In China, we are unswervingly turning to the goal of ecological civilization, rural revitalization, and shared prosperity. In this significant historical change, these social innovations and cultural shifts will provide new ideas and opportunities for people to cope with the current crisis and long-term growth. So how should sustainable design, especially social innovation design, respond to the proposition of the new era? These will be the topics that fall into this conference.

The conference will invite domestic and foreign experts, scholars, and research pioneers to conduct exploration and experience sharing jointly. We hope it will help us get more inspiration, analysis, and judgment, and therefore jointly seek to designerly ways to transform Chinese society and future development.



9:00-9:20 Opening Ceremony

9:20-11:00 Keynote Speech

11:00-11:40 Roundtable Discussion

14:00-15:40 Keynote Speech

16:00-17:10 Roundtable Discussion

17:10-17:30 Closing Speech


Invited Speakers (listed by alphabetic order)

· Bao Yixi, Professor of School of Design, Jiangnan University

· Chen Jiajia, Professor and Vice Dean of the School of Industrial Design, Nanjing University of the Arts

· Chen Qingjun, Professor at the School of Fashion and Art Design, Donghua University

· Deng Rong, Professor at the School of Design, Deputy Director of the Division of Social Sciences, Jiangnan University

· Duan Shengfeng, Vice President and Professor of Sichuan Fine Arts Academy

· Ezio Manzini, Honorary Professor Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy, President of DESIS NETWORK

· Francesco Zurlo, Dean and Professor of School of Design, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy

· Gong Miaosen, Associate Professor at the School of Design, Jiangnan University, Executive Board Member of CUMULUS

· He Songfei, Associate Professor, School of Design, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

· Jiang Jun, Professor at the School of Innovation and Design, China Academy of Fine Arts, Director of the Institute of Society and Strategy

· Li Jian, Associate Professor, School of Industrial Design, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

· Liu Xin, Professor of School of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University, Director of the Institute of Ecological Design

· Lou Yongqi, Vice President and Professor of Tongji University, Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences

· Lorenzo Imbesi, Professor of Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, President of CUMULUS

· Peng Shengfang, Vice President and Professor of School of Industrial Design, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

· Shi Di, Associate Professor, School of Design, Jiangnan University

· Wei Jie, Dean and Professor of School of Design, Jiangnan University

· Xue Kun, Professor and Vice Dean of the School of Applied Design, Shandong University of Arts and Crafts

· Zhang Jun, Associate Professor, Design and Art School, Hunan University

· Zhang Ming, Dean and Professor at the school of Industrial Design, Nanjing University of the Arts

To be further updated....

Logistics Information

The symposium will be organized by combination of onsite and online. It will be open for participation via Zoom, and more detailed information will update later.

Would you have any questions, please contact the conference organizing team, DESIS Lab Jiangnan, [email protected].