Auburn University, USA (//www.auburn.edu/)
Birmingham City University, UK (www.bcu.ac.uk)
Chiba University, Japan (www.chiba-u.ac.jp)
Demark University of Technology(DTU), Demark ( //www.dtu.dk/)
Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands (www.tue.nl)
ESAD Orleans, Ecole superieurs d’Art et de Design, France(www.esad-orleans.com)
Hoseo University, Korea (www.hoseo.ac.kr)
Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Finland (www.lamk.fi)
North Carolina State University, USA (//www.ncsu.edu)
Northumbria University, UK (//www.northumbria.ac.uk)
OCAD University(Ontario College of Art and Design), Canada(//www.ocadu.ca)
Politecnico Di Milano, Italy (www.polimi.it)
Plymouth University, UK (www.plymouth.ac.uk)
Ryerson University,Canada(www.ryerson.ca/)
Strate School of Design, France (www.strate.education)
Southampton University, UK (www.southampton.ac.uk)
Thomasmore University of Applied Sciences, Belgium (//www.thomasmore.be)
The Sustainable Design School, France(//thesustainabledesignschool.org/)
University of Cincinnati, USA (www.uc.edu)
University of Naples Federico II, Italy (www.international.unina.it)
University of London Queen Mary, UK (www.qmul.ac.uk)
University of Guelph, Canada (//www.uoguelph.ca/)
Zurich University of the Arts, Swiss (www.zhdj.ch)
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK (ww.polyu.edu.hk)
Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau (www.must.edu.mo)
Asia University, Taiwan (www.asia.edu.tw)
Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (www.ncku.edu.tw)
Huafan University, Taiwan (//www.hfu.edu.tw)
Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan (www.mcut.edu.tw)
Ming Chuan University, Taiwan (www.mcu.edu.tw)
Tatung University, Taiwan (www.ttu.edu.tw)
Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan (www.yuntech.edu.tw)