

Nicola Butti

教授 | 江南大学体育博彩网站 外籍教师



Nicola Butti(Nic老师),出生在意大利科莫,毕业于米兰理工大学工业设计专业,获交通设计和设计管理硕士学位。自2009年以来在江南大学体育博彩网站 担任设计课程授课;曾任职单位ALFA ROMEO汽车及MV AGUSTA摩托车等,具有丰富的设计实践和设计管理经验,开设BUTTIstile工业设计公司,主要从事电动摩托车、医疗产品等项目合作,同世界范围内多家创新伙伴开展合作。对设计和摩托车有着无限的热爱与执着!

Nicola (Nic) Butti, born in Como, Italy 
Milan Polytechnic graduated (industrial design) and holder of a Master Degree in Transportation design and management.
Teaching various design disciplines at JinagNan University School of Design since 2009.
Previous working experiences include ALFA ROMEO Automobiles and MV AGUSTA Motorcycles.
Owner and creative director of BUTTIstile Industrial Design Co.: leading design firm in China growing electric motorcycles and medical products fields 
and established innovation partner for many customers worldwide.

Crazy in love with design and motorcycles.